Brought to you by

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Buy the Wine – Make a Difference

With your purchase of delicious Israeli wines, you will be helping those directly impacted by the war: a well-deserved date night for displaced parents and reservist soldiers at a restaurant whose owner was called to defend the State of Israel.

It’s more than a simple gesture. It’s a meaningful connection and a moment of respite amid the chaos.

It’s a wine-wine situation.

So, how does it work?

(1) Buy Your Wine

Raise a glass and say l’chaim! Purchase from a variety of Israel’s finest kosher wines,
supporting impacted wineries along the way.

(2) Proceeds are Converted to Gift Certificates

Parents from uprooted communities and IDF soldiers returning from the war will receive
gift certificates to impacted restaurants.

(3) It’s a Date!

A delicious meal prepared by a restaurant, time together to talk and decompress, no dishes to wash
or clean-up to be done…it’s a wine-wine situation for so many who deserve it.


When will I get my shipment?

Delivery time varies between states; we strive to deliver within 3-10 days.

Who do you use for shipping?

We work only with top shippers including, but not limited to, UPS and FedEx. Based on your state, we will determine the most efficient courrier.

How much do you charge for shipping?

A $20 shipping fee will be applied to orders of 12 bottles or less. Shipping for orders over 12 bottles is $40.

Orders larger than 10 cases must be placed by contacting us online at or (646) 573-7001.

What is your return policy?

We will replace or refund you for any bottle of wine that is damaged, flawed or that the customer finds unsatisfactory. We ask the customer return the unfinished portion of the original bottle for replacement. By law, we cannot accept returns of alcoholic beverages unless the product is corked, or flawed. We are also unable to accept return of wine that was damaged due to adverse weather conditions during shipment, or wine that is ordered in error.

When will you charge my credit card?

Payment will be charged immediately when you make the purchase.

Project Twenty Four Logo

An initiative by Project Twenty Four

P24 is a social startup that addresses the real life needs of those affected by October 7 events and the war, creating projects that build bridges between the diaspora and Israel.

Get in Touch

Complete the form below or call us at 1-855-731-7393 if you have
any questions or are not satisfied for any reason.